Item Number: SA5800kit
Available In: English, Spanish
Format: Brochure
Audience: Parents and guardians of pre-teens and teens
Size: 3.25" x 4.25" / 7 panels
Limit: 150 per order
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Prescription Opioid Misuse Prevention Brochure
Item Number: SA5800, SA5801
Parents and the conversations they have with their teen about substance use—including prescription pain meds - are strong protective factors for preventing misuse, according to research from the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and the CDC. Teens who learn about prescription drugs from their parents are less likely to report using and misusing them than teens who don’t learn anything. Talking to kids can make a difference. This fold-out brochure encourages parents and guardians to talk to their children about the dangers of opioids and offers tips and conversation starters.
Parents and the conversations they have with their teen about substance use—including prescription pain meds - are strong protective factors for preventing misuse, according to research from the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids and the CDC. Teens who learn about prescription drugs from their parents are less likely to report using and misusing them than teens who don’t learn anything. Talking to kids can make a difference. This fold-out brochure encourages parents and guardians to talk to their children about the dangers of opioids and offers tips and conversation starters.