Item Number: BE6929kit
Available In: English, Albanian, Arabic, Cape Verdean Creole, Chinese - Simplified, Chinese - Traditional, Haitian Creole, Khmer, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese
Format: Poster
Audience: Young Adults
Size: 11" x 17"
Limit: 10 per order
If you'd like to order more, add a note during your check out or contact us.

Behavioral Health Helpline Poster - Young Adult
Item Number: BE6929, BE6970, BE6971, BE6972, BE6973, BE6974, BE6975, BE6976, BE6930, BE6977, BE6978, BE6931, BE6979
This poster can be used in community and clinical based settings to promote the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line to a young adult audience. The Massachusetts Behavioral Health Help Line is for any person that needs to be connected to care for mental health or substance use.