Item Number: IP2915kit
Available In: English, Spanish
Format: Checklist
Audience: Parents, grandparents, and caregivers of children ages 0-6.
Size: 8" x 5.5" / 22 pages
Limit: 250 for English; 100 for Spanish per order
If you'd like to order more, add a note during your check out or contact us.

Safe Home Checklist Booklet
Item Number: IP2915, IP2916
The Safe Home Checklist helps parents and caregivers address the various protective (e.g., household cleaners locked up and away) and risk factors (e.g., dysfunctional smoke alarm) for injuries in the child’s home. Using this checklist, individuals can walk through the home, determine what environmental changes can be made to make the room/area safer, and use the recommendations to keep their child safe at home.